In the Service of Youth Since 1949!
The name of the organisation is “World Assembly of Youth (WAY)" in English. “Assemblee Mondial de la Jeunesse (AMJ)” in French and “Asamblea Mundial de la Juventud (AMJ)” in Spanish. Hereafter the organisation is known as WAY.
A. WAY is established in order that youth itself may study and focus on its needs and responsibilities. WAY is dedicated to the services of youth everywhere, and as a democratic organisation, to work through national voluntary youth organisations for the true satisfaction of youth’s needs and for the fulfillment of youth’s responsibilities.
B. WAY recognizes the Universal Declaration of Human Rights as the basis of its action and of its services.
C. In achievements of its aims, WAY shall seek to:
1. Increase inter-ethnic respect and foster inter-cultural and international understanding and co-operation.
2. Facilitate the collection of information about the needs and problems of youth.
3. Disseminate information about the methods, techniques and activities of youth organisations.
4. Promote the interchange of ideas between youth of all countries.
5. Assist in the development of youth work activities and promote, by mutual aid, the extension of the work of the voluntary youth organisations.
6. Co-operate in the development of national youth councils of voluntary youth organisations.
7. Promote the democratic participation of young people both in their own organisations and in the life of society as a whole.
8. Establish and maintain relations with the international organisations, both voluntary and governmental.
9. Support and encourage the national movements of non self governing countries in their struggle for national liberation.
10. Promote tolerance, understanding, solidarity and co-operation among young men and women irrespective of race, sex, language, religion or political orientation.
11. Encourage the full participation of young men and women in the development process of their countries.
12. Improve the equality between young men and women.
13. Act as a representative body of on behalf of national youth councils to United Nations and to other appropriate governmental and non-governmental international bodies.
The location of the headquarters shall be determined by the Executive Committee.
A. Full members of WAY are national youth councils which are representing a cross section of democratic, voluntary youth organisations in a country or territory, and which have ratified the Charter and are admitted by the Assembly by a vote of the majority of its members. The Executive Committee shall have the power to grant by two-thirds majority, provisional membership to organisations which apply for membership between Assemblies, and which meet the requirements of the WAY Charter. Such provisional membership shall be subject to ratification by the next Assembly. WAY shall recognize only one national youth council as full member in any country or territory.
B. Membership of WAY shall be terminated or suspended:
1. If a member gives notice in writing to the Assembly or the Executive Committee of its intention to resign.
2. The Executive Committee shall have the power by two-thirds majority to provisionally terminate or suspend the membership of any national youth council which in the opinion of the Executive Committee, has failed to carry out the Charter or any rule or regulations made under its provision. The decision has to confirmed by the next Assembly. An excluded member has the right to be heard by the Assembly before the decision is made. Ninety days’ notice must be given of any such resolution of termination of membership.
3. If the member has not paid its membership fee, membership shall be terminated or suspended at discretion of the Executive Committee.
C. All WAY activities in connection with a member country shall be carried out in consultation and collaboration with the national youth council concerned. Any contacts established with organisations in these countries shall be communicated to the national youth council.
A. The Assembly has the power to admit national youth councils or national youth organisations, which are interested in regular co-operation with WAY, as associated members, provided that a member national youth councils of WAY does not already exist in the country in question. Such status shall cease when not renewed at the subsequent Assembly. The Executive Committee has the power to grant provisional associate membership. Such provisional membership shall be subject to ratification by the next Assembly.
B. Regional youth organisations with national youth councils as members may be provided consultative status. They shall be permanent invitees to the meetings of the Bureau and the Executive Committee without the right to vote. The Executive Committee has the power to grant provisional consultative status. Such provisional status shall be subject to ratification by the next assembly.
C. The Executive Committee may admit international organisations, national youth councils and national youth organisations as observers, provided that a member national youth council does not exist in the country in question.
D. Associate membership, consultative or observer status of WAY shall be terminated or suspended:
1. If the organisation gives notice in writing to the Assembly or the Executive Committee of its intention to resign.
2. The Executive Committee shall have the power two-thirds majority to provisionally terminate or suspend the consultative status of any organisation which in the opinion of the Executive Committee, has failed to carry out the Charter or any rule or regulations made under its provision. The decision has to confirmed by the next Assembly. The excluded organisation has the right to be heard by the Assembly before the decision is made. Ninety days’ notice must be given of any such resolution of termination of membership.
3. The Executive Committee shall have the power by two-thirds majority to terminate or suspend the associate membership or observer status of any organisation which in the opinion of the Executive Committee, has failed to carry out the Charter or any rules or regulations made under its provision. Ninety days’ notice must be given of any such resolution of termination membership.
4. If the associate member has not paid its membership fee, membership shall be terminated or suspended at the discretion of the Executive Committee.
A. The Assembly is the supreme organ of WAY. It shall determine the main lines of policy and assume responsibility for the direction and administration of WAY.
1. The Assembly shall receive from the Executive Committee a report on the implementation of WAY policy and activities carried out by WAY since the previous Assembly.
2. The Assembly shall receive from the Executive Committee a report on the finances of WAY, which shall include audited accounted of income and expenditure and balance sheets for the period since the previous Assembly. It shall approve the accounts and financial statements of WAY.
3. The Assembly shall decide the programme of WAY.
4. The Assembly shall elect the Executive Committee.
5. The Assembly shall give the necessary authorization to the Executive Committee to take action in cases where the power attributed to it by the Charter shall be insufficient.
C. Each member of WAY shall appoint up to six delegates to the Assembly. Members from countries whose populations exceeds 10 million may appoint one delegate for each additional 10 million or fraction of ten million, up to 16 delegates. Delegates shall be elected representatives of youth organisations. National youth councils should make every effort to ensure their delegations include both genders and half of the members are under the age of 30.
D. The Assembly shall meet every fours years and shall be convened by the Executive Committee. A notice shall be sent at least two months before the Assembly to the members.
E. An extraordinary meeting of the Assembly may be called:
1. By two-thirds of Executive Committee, or
2. By the President within two months of the receipt of the request in writing of not less than one half the member of WAY.
F. The Chairperson of the Assembly is the President of WAY assisted by five Vice Presidents. The agenda, proposed by the Executive Committee, is decided upon in its final form by the Assembly itself.
G. Except when the Charter provided otherwise, procedure for the Assembly is fixed by the Rules of Procedure, unless a contrary decision is taken at the first session of the Assembly.
H. The Assembly’s decision are taken by a majority vote of the members present except where a different procedure is indicated in the Charter. Each full member, which membership has been accepted in the Assembly, shall have one vote in the Assembly. Only those members who have paid all their membership fees since the last normal Assembly can vote.
I. The Assembly may elect Honorary Patrons and Presidents on the recommendation of the Executive Committee.
A. The Assembly at each normal session shall elect an Executive Committee, to be composed of a President, five Vice Presidents and seven other members.
B. Subject to the direction and control of the Assembly, the Executive Committee is responsible for the management and administration of WAY; it shall formulate the details of policy, call conferences and initiate activities.
C. The Executive Committee meets at least once a year when called by the President, or at the request of at least half of its members.
D. No decisions shall take place nor any vote be taken unless one half of the members of the Executive are present. The Executive Committees decisions are made by simple majority, except when otherwise stated in the Charter, of the members present. Its rules of procedure are fixed by Standing Orders.
E. At each of its meetings, the Executive Committee shall receive a report from the President on behalf of the Bureau, and shall ratify the minutes of the meetings of the Bureau.
F. The Executive Committee shall ensure that the annual audited accounts of WAY are circulated to all member national youth councils.
G. The Executive Committee shall elect the Secretary General and report to the Assembly.
A. The President and the five Vice Presidents constitute the Bureau of WAY. The Secretary General attends all meetings of the Bureau.
B. The Bureau shall meet as often as necessary and, in any case, not less than once every year.
C. The Executive Committee, between its meetings, empowers the Bureau to take action as it considers essential for the effective operation of the organisation.
A. The Secretariat is headed by the Secretary General, elected by the Executive Committee. One or more Programme Directors may be appointed by the Executive Committee for a term determined by the Committee on the recommendation by the Secretary General.
B. The Secretary General is the executive agent of WAY. He/she reports to the Assembly, to the Executive Committee, to the Bureau and to the President. He/she directs, inspires and controls all staff of the Secretariat. He/she represents WAY in all civil business. The Executive Committee shall delegate him/her the powers necessary for this effect. The Secretary General shall initiate action in urgent cases only after consultation with the President. Such action shall be submitted for review to the Executive Committee.
C. The Secretary General is responsible under common law towards WAY and third parties either for violation of the statutory provisions or for acts of misconduct committed in his/her administration. The Secretary General contracts no personal obligations, by reason of his/her functions, in respect to engagements entered into in due order of the name WAY.
1. The receipts of WAY shall normally consist of:
a) Membership subscriptions.
b) Revenue from its properties.
c) Revenue from its activities and publications.
2. Other receipts of WAY may include:
a) Grants which may be made to it.
b) Gifts and legacies which it may receive.
Provided that, in opinion of the Executive Committee, acceptance of such revenue does not conflict with the aims of WAY.
B. The Assembly fixes the admission fee and annual subscriptions of its Members.
C. A careful account of all receipts and expenditure of WAY shall be kept by the Secretary General, according to the law and practice in the country where the headquarters is situated. The Internal Auditor shall periodically examine the accounts and report to the Executive Committee.
D. Each member of WAY and each member of the Executive Committee has the right to examine and verify the books and accounts of WAY at any time, either in person or through a duly accredited deputy.
A. The Executive Committee many determine regional co-operation of WAY with any established regional youth organisation, providing mutual respect and interdependence is assured.
B. Co-operation may include formulation and implementation of programmes for the region in member countries of WAY. WAY activities carried out in non-member countries should have the concurrence of the Bureau.
C. A WAY Regional Consultant may be appointed by the Bureau from among candidates proposed by member countries from the region concerned, on the recommendation of the Secretary General.
D. WAY member organisations shall retain their right to maintain direct contact with WAY headquarters, their membership of a regional organisation notwithstanding.
The Charter, the Bye-Laws and the Rules of Procedure may be amended by the Assembly by a two-thirds majority of members present, provided that notice of the proposed amendments has been submitted to the Secretary General 90 days in advance. The Secretary General shall notify all member Committees of WAY of all such amendments not less than 60 days in advance.
A. The Assembly may, by a two-thirds majority of the members, decide to dissolve the organisation, provided that notice of the proposed dissolution is given, in writing, 90 days in advance of balloting.
B. In case of dissolution, the Assembly shall name one or several persons charged with liquidation of the property of WAY. The Assembly shall take all necessary measures to dispose of the assets.
C. Dissolution shall become effective 90 days after the vote of the Assembly.
The languages of WAY are English, French, and Spanish. The official language of the Charter, Standing Orders, Rules of Procedures and minutes is English.