"In the service of youth since 1949"
Call for application: the 3rd UN Conference on Landlocked Developing Countries 2024
December 30, 2023
Special Accreditation - Third United Nations Conference on the Landlocked Developing Countries (LLDC3)
The United Nations General Assembly (UNGA), in its resolutions 76/217, 77/246, and 77/329, decided to convene the Third United Nations Conference on Landlocked Developing Countries (LLDC3) from 18 to 22 June 2024 in Kigali, Rwanda.
For more background information on the Conference, please see:
Stakeholder Participation in the Conference:
As guided by resolution A/RES/77/246, other relevant stakeholders, including the non-governmental organizations not in consultative status with the Economic and Social Council, wishing to attend and contribute to the Conference, and whose work is relevant to the subject of the Third United Nations Conference on the Landlocked Developing Countries, can apply through this platform to seek special accreditation for the Conference as observers.
Interested organizations, may apply for special accreditation by following the REGISTER NOW link at the bottom of this page.
Please Note:
You do NOT need to apply for special accreditation if your NGO has consultative status with ECOSOC. The application for Special Accreditation to LLDC3 is NOW OPEN until 10 January 2024.
Stakeholder applications will be reviewed by Member States, in accordance with the relevant GA Resolution. The name of the organization and country will be shared with the Member States, and other information, including but not limited to the homepage and/or the reason for participation may also be shared if requested.
Accredited entities will be informed and will receive further instruction to finalize their registration, as representatives will need to register individually to secure their participation in the event.
If you do not already have an Indico account, please create one before proceeding with your application. Please find the user guide on creating the account here.