"In the service of youth since 1949"
Global Money Week 2024
February 13, 2024
GMW is an annual global awareness-raising campaign on the importance of ensuring that young people, from an early age, are financially aware, and are gradually acquiring the knowledge, skills, attitudes and behaviours necessary to make sound financial decisions and ultimately achieve financial well-being and financial resilience.
We are so excited to announce that the 12th edition of GMW will take place next year on 18-24 March 2024. We invite all of you to join!
GMW2024 Theme: “Protect your money, secure your future”
“Protect your money, secure your future” is the official theme of Global Money Week 2024. This year’s GMW theme focuses on safe money management and highlights the importance of adopting a responsible and informed approach to personal finances, by being aware of potential risks in the financial sector and protecting your hard-earned money. Such risks may include financial scams and frauds, including phishing, money muling and online shopping scams, and risks related to data privacy, such as identity theft. Young people are especially likely to fall victims of financial frauds and scams, due to their limited financial literacy and experience.
Depending on the national context and designed activities, participants may also use previous themes or the permanent GMW slogan “Learn. Save. Earn.”
Tip! To highlight GMW2024 theme on social media, please use #ProtectYourMoney #SecureYourFuture #GMW2024
What is Global Money Week (GMW)?
GMW is an annual global awareness-raising campaign on the importance of ensuring that young people, from an early age, are financially aware, and are gradually acquiring the knowledge, skills, attitude and behaviours necessary to make sound financial decisions and ultimately achieve financial well-being and financial resilience.
It is organised by the OECD International Network on Financial Education (OECD/INFE).
How does Global Money Week Campaign work?
In brief, organisations across the world organise their own GMW events during the Week, and share news, photos and information with the GMW Secretariat. News of all these activities are linked to each other via social media, and the GMW website.
How to plan Global Money Week in your country?
Explore GMW website for country overviews, available resources and inspiring ideas for your GMW.
If you would like to organise a GMW activity in your country, please get in touch with your GMW National Coordinator. You can find the list of the current GMW National Coordinating institutions here. If no GMW National Coordinator is listed for your country, please get in touch with the GWM Secretariat.
If you are a public institution that is already an OECD/INFE full or regular member, you may take the lead of GMW in your country, identifying goals you wish to achieve, engaging partners you wish you collaborate with, and coordinating the activities of all stakeholders in your country. Get in touch with the GMW Secretariat to let us know if you would like to coordinate GMW in your country.
If you are not a public institution or not an OECD/INFE full or regular member, check if there is one in your country and get in touch with them so that you can all coordinate to achieve higher impact.
If there is no OECD/INFE full or regular member institutions in your country, but your institution would like to join, get in touch with our team, so that we can support you through the process.
Collaborate with a range of organisations and institutions to plan GMW branded events and activities. Share your plans with the GMW Secretariat!
Share your plans with the GMW Secretariat via the GMW Pre-campaign Form here
Please contact the GMW Secretariat at GMW_Secretariat@oecd.org or visit here.