"In the service of youth since 1949"
April 3, 2024
Due to popular demand, the deadline for registration for the 2024 UN Civil Society Conference scheduled for 9-10 May 2024 has been extended to 5th April 2024. Click below to register to be part of the vision for a conference that is inclusive, impactful, and innovative.
Share your proposals!

The UNCSC Civil Society Sessions Sub-Committee is currently accepting proposals for workshops/sessions that relate to the overall theme of the conference and the goals and objectives of the Pact for the Future.
Organizers of selected workshops/sessions will be notified by April 10, 2024.
Submit now!
Call for Exhibits!

Deadline: 23:59 EDT April 7th, 2024 (New York Time)
The UN Civil Society Conference Planning Committee is accepting proposals for exhibits that are Inclusive, Impactful, and Innovative in support of the Summit of the Future. The proposed exhibits should amplify diverse voices and initiatives, offer new ways for civil society to interact with intergovernmental processes, embody inter-generational cooperation, and showcase diverse expertise within a multi-stakeholder forum.
Submit now!
Call for Impact Coalition!

One key outcome of the Nairobi Civil Society Conference will be the formation (or coalescing) of several new (and existing) groups that can take various global governance reform proposals forward. These may take on a variety of forms: specific or general, achievable or aspirational, etc.
There may be some issues around which there is already enough support to form an "ImPACT Coalition". Others will be seeking to use the opportunity of the conference to create one. Regardless of where you stand, please fill out this form so we can begin to bring like-minded groups together both in issues that fall within the 5 Chapters of the "Pact for the Future" as well as around other themes that are found to be important.
Please fill out this form by 09:00 am EDT on April 8th, 2024 (New York time) for the ImPACT Coalition to be featured in Nairobi from 9-10 May. For Coalitions that form during the Nairobi conference, the deadline to fill this form is May 16th, 2024.
Submit now!
Call for Offsite Events!

New Deadline: by 23:59 EDT April 7th, 2024 (New York time)
We want to make sure that the planning of the conference and the messages shared by civil society are truly inclusive and represent the voices of civil society globally. To ensure this, we are pleased to invite you to fill out the application form below for Offsite Events (that will be held outside the UN Civil Society Conference main location in Nairobi and the lead-up to the conference). Please note that the UNCSC will not be responsible for location arrangements for events outside and inside Nairobi.
Submit now!