"In the service of youth since 1949"
World Food Day
October 16, 2022

The World Food Day is celebrated annually on the 16 October and it promotes global awareness and action for those who suffer from hunger and for the need to ensure healthy diets for all. This annual celebration raises awareness of the crucial need for successful agriculture policies that should be implemented by governments across the world in order to ensure ample food availability for everyone. Achieving Zero Hunger is not only about addressing hunger, but also nourishing people, while nurturing the planet.
The theme of the World Food Day 2022 is ‘Leave no one behind’, as this year finds us with an ongoing pandemic, conflicts, a climate that will not stop warming, rising prices and international tensions. This is affecting global food security. We need to build a sustainable world where everyone, everywhere has regular access to enough nutritious food. No one should be left behind.
This year's edition takes place at a time when global food security is facing threats from multiple directions, with soaring food, energy and fertiliser prices adding to traditional drivers such as the climate crisis and long-standing conflicts. Meanwhile, the COVID-19 pandemic continues to have a knock-on effect, highlighting how interconnected our economies and lives are.
At the World Assembly of Youth (WAY), we explore new ways for dialogue and advocacy in areas needed for action and contribute with recommendations aimed for eradication of Hunger and Poverty. We believe rural development can address factors that compel people to move by creating business opportunities and jobs for young people that are not only crop-based but sustainable for our society and more.
Our future food systems need to provide affordable and healthy diets for all and decent livelihoods for food system workers, while preserving natural resources and biodiversity and tackling other challenges as well.We urge young people to take a moment to share their gratitude for the food they eat and the people who produce it.
Together we can defeat hunger and build a world where everyone can work and live in dignity.