"In the service of youth since 1949"
Youth and Globalization

Globalisation affects the youth and the whole society at large. Global transformations that range from cultural, historical, technological, and demographic changes require youth to develop new skills and habits that are far ahead of what the educational system can nowadays deliver. Globalization has opened up new opportunities for sustainable economic growth. Countries share experiences in their achievements and they learn from one another's difficulties. It has promoted a cross fertilization of ideas, cultural values and aspirations, thus it has helped to connect youth not only to the rest of the world but also among each other.
Many young people especially in developing countries remain marginalised from the global economy. They are incapable of accessing the opportunities that globalisation offer due to inadequate education, limited skills, poverty or they cannot reach out to basic information and communication, and the goods and services that have become available with globalization. Among the negative impacts of globalization is the margin between the wealthy and the poor, whereby assets of 200 wealthy people on earth are greater than the combined incomes of more than 2 billion of the poorest population. Young people are engulfed in this world of inequality and unfortunately they have to take part in this development process that is simultaneously bringing people closer yet widening the divisions between them.
Global communities should continue to support efforts of governments, NGOs, INGOs, media and private sector in anticipating and offsetting the negative social and economic consequences of globalisation and maximising its benefits for young people instead. It is the primary duty of governments and societies to ensure youth get access to higher education that meets the needs of a rapidly changing labor market associated with globalisation. Efforts should be made to guarantee that youth migrants enjoy full respect for their human rights. Laws should be instilled against racism, ethnocentrism, xenophobia, and cultural and religious intolerance to protect young people in this era of rapid globalisation.