"In the service of youth since 1949"
Youth and Disability

The number of disabled youth has been increasing gradually and has thus resulted in heightened concern in relation to their rights and well-being. Three to five hundred million people worldwide live with a disability of some kind. Many youth living with disability encounter issues such as; prejudice, social isolation and discrimination from members of their respective societies. This should not be the case, as they are deserving members of society, just like the next person, and should not be singled out. Conversely, not all people's reactions to youth with disabilities are always negative. Most people's attitudes and perception are in part, shaped by what they believe to be the cause of disability. Expectations from members of society as per the contribution of disabled youths also influence their perceptions. Majority of the disability cases among youth today, especially in developing societies, are as a result of violence of many forms such as; wars, civil unrest and tribal warfare. Increased use of drugs and alcohol among adolescents as well as poor regulations on firearms access increases the likelihood of disability.
Realising the importance of defending the rights of disabled youth, many international organisations, governmental bodies, NGOs and media-organisations have been contributing through many programmes and initiatives. International organisations have been launching many actions that support education for disabled youth and convention on their rights. Moreover, governmental bodies have contributed their efforts in providing decent rehabilitative care and prosthetic devices as well as improving educational aspects for disabled youth. Governments and international organisations, non-governmental bodies have been promoting tolerance among society by raising funds to aid rehabilitation and protection of disabled youth, and raising awareness on rights and issues of disabled youth. The general media also shows its concern to the issues faced by disabled youth by influencing how society-members should perceive disability and informing them on how disabled youth should be treated. Unfortunately, not all stakeholders respond positively towards disability.