"In the service of youth since 1949"

As an international-scaled organisation whose aims are not only at its contribution of actively resolving youth-related matters but also its coordination of national youth councils, the World Assembly of Youth (WAY) has been known for its concern towards welfare of youth. Being an organisation which closely involves young people, WAY has been specially conducting researches on issues or problems arisen and other relevant matters involving young people from all around the world.
In line with that, selection of twenty-one youth-related topics has been, until now, decided. The filtration and selection of those twenty-one topics were based on our observation towards any youth-related issues, problems or other relevant matters and those that mostly affect the development, quality of life and welfare of, today, young people were then chosen. The number of these topics may be changed in the future if we believe such additions or reductions are necessary and relevant towards the situation of young people at that particular period of time.
Currently, the twenty-one topics are divided into 14 youth-related issues including issues of Girls and Young Women, HIV/AIDS, Armed Conflicts, Democracy, Disability, Drugs, Education, Unemployment, Health, Human Rights, Population, Inter-Generational Relationships, Juvenile Delinquency and Poverty; 3 youth-related matters which are existed due to the trend of today life, including the matter of ICT, Globalisation, and Environment; and, at last, four topics which are closely related to the development of youth including the matters of Leisure-Activities, Volunteerism, Decision Making Process, Leadership Training, and Human Development. Interestingly, these twenty-one youth-topics are correlated to each other: for example, the issue of young girls and women contains issues like HIV/AIDS, Education, Un/employment, Drugs, Healthy, Poverty, and Juvenile Delinquency.