"In the service of youth since 1949"
Humanity and Global Challenges - International Essay Competition Initiative
March 6, 2020
Dear Members,
Warm greetings from the World Assembly of Youth (WAY) Headquarters in Melaka, Malaysia!
We would like to inform you that this year, and in honor of the 75th Anniversary of the United Nations, the Dialogue of Civilizations Research Institute (DOC Research Institute) and the World Assembly of Youth (WAY) are coordinating the initiative of an essay competition, which takes place in cooperation with international and regional research institutions and universities, as part of the global discourse on the future of the world under the umbrella of the #UN75 global conversation.
The initiative for the essay contest rooted in a DOC research project on the relationships between the east and west and was organised in 2018/19 for the first time. The contest in 2019 was dedicated to the topic “My country our World 2020” and was open to young people up to the age of 27 from Council of Europe and CIS countries. Building on this experience and with the aim of not only fostering mutual understanding between different cultures, but between generations, academics, and young professionals as well, we would like to encourage young people from all over the world to participate in the contest and establish the International Essay Competition as a shared global initiative.
This year’s topic is “Humanity and Global Challenges: How can we maintain international cooperation in the face of increasingly urgent global problems and decreasing dialogue between civilisations?”. Its objective is to seek the views of students and young people on how to address global challenges with concrete and actionable recommendations, answering in particular, the initial question of whether a global community based on shared human values is a solution capable of holding the world together and promoting peaceful coexistence.
Therefore, please find out more information on this Essay Competition or visit https://doc-research.org/essay-contest-2020/ . Kindly feel free to share it among your networks as well.
With best regards,