In the Service of Youth Since 1949!
International Women’s Day 2024
March 8, 2024

The International Women’s Day is celebrated every year on 8 March and it reflects on progress made and recognises acts of courage and determination by ordinary women who have played an extraordinary role in the history of their countries and communities. On this day we acknowledge women and girls that are effective powerful leaders and changemakers on peace and development.
Despite the progress, real change has been agonisingly slow for the majority of women and girls in the world. The latest data show the vital link between gender, social equity, and climate change, and we do recognise that without gender equality today, a sustainable future, an equal future, remains out of reach. However, we are facing a key challenge: the alarming $360 billion annual deficit in gender-equality measures by 2030.
Hence, this year’s International Women’s Day theme is “Invest in women: Accelerate progress”. Achieving gender equality and women’s well-being in all aspects of life is more crucial than ever if we want to create prosperous economies and a healthy planet. We should acknowledge that women’s full and effective participation and leadership in of all areas of life drives progress for everyone.
We, at the World Assembly of Youth (WAY), believe that empowerment of women and young girls is vital to the development of communities. We shall continue to mobilise youth and youth leaders to end gender-based violence, and call for economic justice and rights for all. Collective action and shared ownership for driving gender parity is what makes International Women's Day meaningful. Let us call upon all stakeholders to be courageous to stand for gender equality, and join hands in creating a world where all women and young girls have equal opportunities and rights. #InvestInWomen, let us unite to transform challenges into opportunities and shape a better future for all!
In order to achieve sustainable development and gender equality, we should continue to empower women and girls to have a voice and be equal players in decision-making related to climate change and sustainability. Without gender equality we cannot have an equal and sustainable future. Therefore, on #IWD2024 we all should stand united and become part of the movement that advances equality for women and young girls everywhere in the world.