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In the Service of Youth Since 1949!
Day One
07 Sunday
Arrivals, Accreditation and Registration

All day
Tirana International Airport
Welcome Dinner

8:00 pm
Xibraku Restaurant, Tirana
Day Two
08 Monday
Arrival Delegates

8:00 am
Tirana International Hotel

6:00 am-7:30 am
Tirana International Hotel
Arrival of VIPs

8:30 am
Tirana International Hotel
Opening Ceremony

8:30 am
Tirana International Hotel
Welcome Address by Ms. Ediola Pashollari, Secretary General of the World Assembly of Youth
Address by Ms. Masiela Lusha, WAY Goodwill Ambassador
Address by Mr. Andrew Rabens, Special Advisor for Global Youth Issues, Office of the Under Secretary for Public Diplomacy and Public Affairs, USA
Address by Hon. Erion Veliaj, Minister of Social Welfare and Youth, Albania
Address by Rt. Hon. Datuk Seri Ir. Idris Haron, President of the World Assembly of Youth
Opening Address by Rt. Hon. Edi Rama, Prime Minister of Albania
Presentation of Souvenirs
Photo Session
Tea Break

11:00 am
Tirana International Hotel
Leadership Session 1

11:15 am
Tirana International Hotel
Building Practical Youth Leadership For Tomorrow’s Leaders, Today, by Mr. Patrick Louis Sciarrata, Executive Director of the Friendship Ambassadors Foundation, USA
Gender Intelligence Leadership, by Dr. Pauline Teresa Crawford, President World Association of Visioneers and Entreprenologists (WAVE), USA
Empowerment Of Youth As Economic Citizens Towards More Empowered Youth Leadership, by Ms. Kimberly de Rose, Youth Coordinator, Child and Youth Finance International, Netherlands
Cyber Pandemic : A Proposed Response By The Global Youth, by Mr. Sanjay Bavisi, President of EC-Council, USA
Importance Of Colour Vibrations And Numerology In Leadership, by Dr. Rusidah Mohd Tahir, Founder, Ahrisaa Health and Beauty Centre, Singapore
Youth Transforming Communities And Leading Change, by Mr. Antonio Palazuelos Prieto, International Adviser, Cabo Verde Youth Federation, Cape Verde
Ms. Argyrina Jubani, President of Albanian Youth Council
Lunch Break

01:30 pm
Tirana International Hotel

02:30 pm
Tirana International Hotel
Delivery of Statements of Solidarity, Messages from Head of State and Governments and from friendly Organisations
Adoption of the General Assembly Agenda
Report of Activities 2010-2014
Formation of the Credentials Committee
Formation of the Election Committee
Formation of Political, Administrative and Development Commissions
Break (Credentials Committee Meeting)

06:00 pm
Tirana International Hotel

08:00 pm
Sheraton Tirana Hotel
Day Three
09 Tuesday
Arrival Delegates

8:30 am
Tirana International Hotel

6:00 am-7:30 am
Tirana International Hotel
Leadership Session 2

09:00 am
Tirana International Hotel
The Role Of Student Organizations In The Society, by Mr. Edison Jakurti, President, Student Government of American University in Kosovo, Kosovo
Youth And Trendy World, by Mr. Mohd Zefri Ariff Mohd Zain Ariff, Secretary General, Brunei Youth Council, Brunei
Youth Toward Future Or Future Towards Youth? by Ms. Anisa Hysesani, Lecturer, Social Science Faculty, Albania
Youth Leadership: Bringing Minorities To The Equation, by Mr. Esmael Muhammad Shabbir, Vice Curator, Global Shapers Community, Mauritius
Are Leaders Only People Who Are Nominated So? by Ms. Ena Peeva, Project Leader, Tiverija Solar Systems, Macedonia
The Legacy Youth Must Leave Behind For Next Generation, by Mr. Sunil Hasmukharay, Managing Director, Human Capital Consultants Group, Malaysia
Tea Break

11:00 am
Tirana International Hotel
General Assembly Session II: Reports

11:15 am
Tirana International Hotel
Receive and Adopt the Report of the Credentials Committee
Receive and Adopt Reports by Vice Presidents, Executive Committee Members, Secretary General and President
Lunch Break

01:30 pm
Tirana International Hotel
Leadership Season III: Workshops

02:30 pm
Tirana International Hotel
Tea Break

03:30 pm
Tirana International Hotel
General Assembly Session III : Commission Meetings

03:45 pm
Tirana International Hotel
Political Commission
Administrative Commission
Development Commission
Tirana International Hotel
General Assembly Session IV : Commission Reports

05:00 pm
Receive and Adopt Reports from Political, Administrative and Development Commissions
Formation of Drafting Committee

08:00 pm
Bujtina e Peshkut, Tirana
Day Four
10 Wednesday
General Assembly Session V : Elections

09:00 am
Tirana International Hotel

6:00 am-7:30 am
Tirana International Hotel
Arrival of Delegates

08:30 am
Tirana International Hotel
Receive and Adopt Report of the Elections Committee
Elections of Office Bearers for 2014-2018:
Vice – Presidents
Executive Committee Members
Tea Break

11:00 am
Tirana International Hotel
General Assembly Session VI : Plan of Action

11:15 am
Tirana International Hotel
Presentation of Millennium Plan of Action IV by the Secretary General
Lunch Break

01:30 pm
Tirana International Hotel
General Assembly Session VII: Closing Session

02:30 pm
Tirana International Hotel
Adoption of 15th General Assembly Declaration
Address by the Secretary General of the World Assembly of Youth
Address by the President of the World Assembly of Youth

05:00 pm
Tirana International Hotel
Closing Ceremony / Gala Dinner

08:00 pm
Tirana International Hotel
Welcome Address by newly appointed Secretary General of the World Assembly of Youth
Address by Ms. Masiela Lusha, WAY Goodwill Ambassado
Address by Hon. Erion Veliaj, Minister of Social Welfare and Youth, Albania
Address by newly elected President of the World Assembly of Youth
Closing Address by Rt. Hon. Edi Rama, Prime Minister of Albania
World Youth Award
Certificate & Award Presentation
Souvenir Presentation
Photo Session
Day Five
11 Thursday

All day
Tirana International Airport
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