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In the Service of Youth Since 1949!
Resources and Documents
Appended here are the following documents for your perusal:
1. XVI General Assembly Briefing Paper
This will provide all basic information about the XVI General Assembly
2. XVI General Assembly Programme
This provides an outline of the Programme for the General Assembly
3. List of WAY Members
This provides the list ratified WAY members as of the XV General Assembly. Please note that several new applications have been received over the past four years and are subject to ratification by the General Assembly. If your national youth council does not appear on the list, please email the WAY secretariat to confirm if you are in the process of being granted membership.
4. Previous General Assemblies
This document provides information on dates and venues of previous WAY General Assemblies.
5. Visa Application
This document needs to be filled by those individuals who require a visa to enter The Republic of Albania.
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