In the Service of Youth Since 1949!

Anisa Hysesani
Ms. Hysesani, finished her B.Sc studies for Political Sciences/Governing (2009) and M.Sc studies for Political Theories (2011) in the University of Tirana, Social Sciences Faculty. Actually, she is continuing the academic career by following a PhD in Political Sciences in the University of Tirana, Social Sciences Faculty. In several projects during her studies, she was the team leader responsible for building and leading the project team, not only on her area of expertise, but also distributing project assignments and responsibilities as well as governing interpersonal relationships.

Antonio Palazuelos
International Consultant
Mr. Palazuelos is an International Consultant specialized on elaboration and implementation of Youth Development Projects and Policies, with ten years of experience working globally. He has been involved professionally with UNESCO Regional Office for Education in Africa (BREDA), UN-¬Habitat, International Labour Organization (ILO), International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN), United Nations Volunteers, United Nations in Cape Verde, United Nations Economic Commission for Africa (UNECA), European Development Fund, African Union – Youth Division, and several International NGOs for Development.

Dr Pauline T Crawford
President, World Association of
Visioneer & Entreprenologists (WAVE)
Dr. Crawford is an International Motivational Speaker from the UK, an experienced performance consultant and people developer, facilitating corporate transformation with individuals, teams and entire work cultures, mentoring corporate leaders, boards, key teams and diverse groups, through a range of programmes and techniques designed to make a measurable and lasting difference. Using well researched tools and frameworks combined with a unique values-based conversation technique, her clients learn how to transform their own personal confidence and presence into tangible business success. She has designed and research her Wellness Map and Gender Dynamics© Framework and applied these to corporate and entrepreneurial businesses.

Dr Rusidah Bt. Hj Mohd Tahir
Dr. Rusidah is the Founder of Ahrisaa Health & Beauty Centre Sdn. Bhd.. She is currently based in Melaka, Malaysia. She is a successful motivator and has conducted several trainings with the Faculty of Universal Science of Color Specialist. She completed her doctor in philosophy according to studies in color, light, sound, vibrations and numerology from (OUICM) Open University International Complementary Medicine of Colombo, Sri Lanka. She appeared on several TV and Radio channels advising people on leadership, health, beauty and grooming.

Edison Jakurti
Mr. Jakurti is a senior at the American Education in Kosovo (A.U.K). He is pursuing his studies in Economics and Management, and his minor is International Relations. During his third year of studies, he was the founder and the president of the Critical Thinking Club at A.U.K. This year, he is the president of the Student Union, which is a self-governing organization of, and for, the students of American University in Kosovo (AUK).

Ena Peeva
Youth Activist
Ms. Peeva is student, youth leader and future food engineer, completed her IB Diploma in Skopje, Macedonia in 2012. She became an Editor in Chief of a school newspaper at age of 16. Right after she continued her youth work as president of a student chapter in Skopje of International NGOPeople to People International for two years. Currently, she is a council member of the IB Alumni Advisory Council. She was part of numerous educational events, trainings, conferences, exchanges.

Jay Bavisi
Co-Founder and President of EC-‐Council
Mr. Bavisi is the Co-Founder and President of EC-Council, a global leader in information security education, training, and certification. Formed following the 9/11 incident, EC‐Council addresses issues of cyber terrorism raised at the forefront of security of nations at large. It is the owner and developer of the world famous Certified Ethical Hacker (CEH), Computer Hacking Forensic Investigator (CHFI), Secure Analyst (ECSA), and Licensed Penetration Tester (LPT) programs.

Kimberly DeRose
Youth Coordinator
Kimberly is the Youth Coordinator at Child and Youth Finance International (CYFI) in Amsterdam, the Netherlands. She works to engage children and youth throughout the world in a number of activities and opportunities geared at maximizing the financial education and inclusion of young people on both the local and national level. Her background is in International Development Studies from the University of Amsterdam where she focused on children’s rights and education in developing countries.

Sunil Hasmukharay
Head of Special Projects, National Youth Wing, Sathya Sai Baba Central Council of Malaysia
Mr. Sunil is the Head of Special Projects, National Youth Wing, Sathya Sai Baba Central Council of Malaysia and Principal Consultant of HC Consultants Group. His visionary attributes and strong passion for change and people development led him to recently being appointed as a Board of Director of the World Association of Visioneers & Entreprenologists (WAVE) International. His strong passion for youth development and transformation was recognized and he also appointed as ‘Changemaker Ambassador’ by Science of Life Systems (SOLS) 24/7.

Executive Director, Friendship Ambassadors Foundation
Mr. Sciarratta has been executive director of Friendship Ambassadors Foundation in Greenwich, CT since 1993. He has spoken at conferences and universities throughout the world on topics related to the role of the arts and cultural exchange as a driver for development and global peace building. He has introduced countless American groups to emerging destinations worldwide with active, service-based, cultural exchange opportunities.

Shabbir Esmael
Founder of the African Neighbourhood Initiative
Mr. Shabbir is the founder of the African Neighbourhood Initiative, which works towards better neighbourhoods in Africa and elsewhere. He is currently the Vice Curator of the Global Shapers, Port Louis Hub, an initiative of the World Economic Forum. He has solid experience as an International Education Advocate, having participated and helped in shaping the global education agenda at several international forums and conferences. Shabbir is also a facilitator for Dignity Sessions in Mauritius for Global Dignity.

Zefri Ariff
Mr. Zefri is actively involved in arts, culture, language, literature, theatre, media and youth movement of Brunei Darussalam. He has been presented papers / talks and participated in many forums, conferences, dialogues and workshops in Asia. Zefri has an array of portfolios in the community services and NGO’s. He is also the current Secretary General of the Brunei Youth Council.