In the Service of Youth Since 1949!
The World Assembly of Youth (WAY) was founded so as to bring young people from different societies, communities, and countries together so that they can share ideas, thoughts, and actions on how to improve cooperation on a global level and among the youth. As an international non-govermental organisation (NGO), WAY has the following aims:
Increase inter-ethnic respect and foster inter-cultural and international understanding and cooperation.
Facilitate the collection of information about the needs and problems of youth.
Disseminate information about the methods, techniques, and activities of youth organisations.
Promote the interchange of ideas between youth of all countries.
Assist in the development of youth activities and promote, by mutual aid, the extension of the work of voluntary youth organisations.
Cooperate in the development of national youth councils of voluntary youth organisations.
Establish and maintain relations with the international organisations, both voluntary and governmental.
Support and encourage the national movements of non-self governing countries in their struggle for national liberation.
Promote tolerance, understanding, solidarity and cooperation among young men and women, irrespective of race, sex, language, religion or political orientation.
Encourage the full participation of young men and women in the development process of their countries.
Improve the equality between young men and women.
Promote the democratic participation of young people both in their own organisations and in the life of society as a whole.
The World Assembly of Youth (WAY) has two main tasks:
To represent its members towards international organisations and institutions, and promote the work of voluntary youth organisations all over the world. WAY deals with all issues affecting youth in international, regional, and national level.
WAY organises events on global, regional, and national levels. These events are often carried out in co-orporation with other international youth organisations, regional youth structures, and / or national affiliates. WAY's representatives participate in various United Nations working groups and other meetings promoting youth issues and the interests of member organisations.